This Test Can Reveal Whether You Are Easy Person Hypnotized or Not

Hypnosis, in good hands can be helpful, can help manage pain, control stress, anxiety, and phobia. However, some people actually use hypnosis for something wrong. You may have to be wary if suddenly poked by an unknown person while walking alone, it is feared that person will hypnotize and rob. But apparently not everyone is easily hypnotized. There are some people who are easy, while others do not. Why? Hypnosis works by altering activity in areas of the brain associated with attention or alertness. At the time of hypnosis, a person will reach a very high level of concentration or concentration, so the suggestion given to him will be more easily accepted. Thus, the purpose of hypnosis (such as to control behavior or phobia) can be more easily achieved because the brain is very focused on the contents of accepted suggestion. But there are some people who are difficult to hypnotize. According to dr. David Spiegel, a mental health specialist and professor of psychiatry and behavioral science from Stanford University, is about 25 percent of people who are not easily hypnotized. Spiegel explains in the Archives of General Psychiatry that there are differences in the area of ​​the brain in people who are not easily hypnotized with hypnotized people. In people who are not easily hypnotized, active brain areas associated with executive control and attention tend to have fewer activities. Meanwhile, a hypnotized person has a larger active brain area in the executive control section and a part that plays a role in focusing. So in other words, people who are easier to concentrate on one thing at a time tend to be more easily hypnotized. While people who are difficult to concentrate will be more difficult to hypnotize. This is reversed by a theory that many believe in laity, that is precisely the difficult people of concentration that is easily hypnotized. Am I easy to hypnotize? It is not easy to know whether someone is easily hypnotized or not. Hypnosis itself is easy to do if the person in question intentionally wanted to be hypnotized. If the person is not pleased, then hypnosis will also be difficult. If you have not tried to be hypnotized, it may be difficult to determine whether you are easily hypnotized or not. But, you may be able to try the tests from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute below to find out. Try answering all the questions below with "yes" or "no". Rate one (one) for all "yes" answers and summarize. Do you have many memories that you still remember from your childhood? Do you tend to get carried away while watching a movie or reading a book? Do you tend to know what someone will say before the person says it? Does a strong visual image ever trigger you to feel the physical sensation of it? For example, you feel thirsty while watching a movie scene in the middle of the desert. Have you ever gone somewhere and wondered how you got there? Do you sometimes think in pictures not in words? Have you ever felt the presence of someone while in the room, even before seeing it? Do you like to see cloud shapes? Do you like to remember powerful memories just because you smell? Have you ever thought of something very deep when alone and in a supportive atmosphere? Result: Score 0-2: You may not be easily hypnotized and may have problems responding to hypnotic suggestions. Score 3-7: You may not be easily hypnotized but not difficult also when hypnotized. You may also not easily receive hypnotic suggestions. Score 8-10: You may be easily hypnotized. However, once again the above test result is not a dead price. How easily a person is hypnotized depends on so many other factors. For example the environmental conditions around, who is hypnotizing, and what is the purpose of hypnosis. This news is from line today


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