Here's How to Reject A Taxable Job Offer

Getting a job offer does make you happy. However, sometimes the offer given by the company does not match what you want or beyond expectations. It could happen that you are offered a position you never wanted and some other consideration points such as salary, working hours, work environment, facilities gained, and more. Of course, many considerations when you to take the decision. And not infrequently, many people who reject the offer because it does not match the desired. In declining the job offer from the company also must be polite so as not to destroy your image. Here's how to politely decline job offers like 1. Immediately inform your answer Although your answer is obviously want to refuse the job offer, you should immediately tell the HRD in the company concerned and not to make it wait too long. Because, by providing answers quickly, you have appreciated the job offer that the company has given you. And the company can look for other candidates to fill that position immediately. 2. State the reason you rejected the company honestly Rejecting a job offer is already your right. So, you should not hesitate to submit the reason why you declined the offer. Tell the honest reason to the company and do not be convoluted. For example, already get a new job, or salary and facilities provided company does not match the desired. Because, the company will be more able to accept a clear reason, then the company will not wonder why you rejected the job offer. 3. Never forget to say "Thank you" Although the job offer given by the company is far from what you expect and are not satisfactory, it could still say the word thank you for the opportunity they have given to you. By thanking you, you have appreciated for the time they spent to interview you. This news is from line today


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