Kahiyang Asks for a White Horse Train for Her Wedding

The daughter of President Joko Widodo, Kahiyang Ayu will hold a marriage with her lover, Bobby Afif Nasution, on November 8, 2017. Preparations begin from the beginning of the month, including about the stroller that will be used by bride to the contract and wedding reception. Anwar Muhtadi became a figure who took care to prepare a train of kencana. Anwar is the one who prepared the train at the wedding Gibran Rakabuming and Selvi Ananda. He has become a confidant Jokowi while still serving the Mayor of Solo for the business train when the carnival in Solo. "I will prepare six trains, one of them is a train, this train will be used for the bride," said Anwar in Solo, Tuesday, October 17, 2017. He explained, each train will be pulled two horses. A total of 20 crew including the coachman to pull the train had been prepared. Three trains will be placed at the Alila Solo Hotel to transport the bridegroom and family. "In the case of the horse-drawn carriage, the horses will be white, all the horse will be male, if the males will be afraid to rebel," Anwar said. White horses deliberately devoted to pulling the catamaran. This white horse is a request from a prospective bride. "Mbak Kahiyang specifically asked for a white horse," he said. According to Anwar, the train will be used during the wedding ceremony procession and Kahiyang-Bobby reception at night. "For the wedding reception, the train will depart from Mr. Jokowi's residence to the Graha Sabha building," he said. President Jokowi's family will hold the wedding reception of their only daughter, Kahiyang Ayu, with Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution in Solo on November 8, 2017. After that, Jokowi will also hold Ngunduh Mantu event at his family's home in Medan City. Bobby's older sister, Inge Amelia Nasution, said the Ngunduh Mantu event will be held for three days at Setia Budi Bukit Hijau Regency (BHR), Number 123, Medan. "The same 24th day of November 25 is the customary event and its Nov. 26 reception," Inge said in Medan, Friday, October 13, 2017. Inge also revealed that Kahiyang Ayu will be given Siregar's marga because of his father-in-law's mother, Bobby's mother, surnamed Siregar. In giving clans, will be held a procession that will be held simultaneously with Ngunduh Mantu event in Medan. "For Medan, the preparation is 90 percent.Next before November 24 we rehearsed first," Inge said. This news is from line today


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