Anies Baswedan Officially Officialized for "Native" Babble

Members of the Movement Pancasila Movement reported the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to Bareskrim Police related to the use of the word pribumi in Anies speech after inaugurated as the Governor of DKI Jakarta period 2017-2022. "Today we are with our lawyers and BMI reported Mr. Anies," said Pancasila Movement member Jack Boyd Lapian at the Bareskrim Office, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Jakarta, Tuesday (17/10/2017) night. Jack Boyd was accompanied by PDI Perjuangan wing organization, Banteng Muda Indonesia (BMI). This report is registered with LP1072 / X / 2017 / Bareskrim number dated October 17, 2017. In the report, Anies is accused of racially and ethnically discriminatory crimes, as referred to in Article 4 Letter B to 1 and 2 and Article 16 of Law Number 40 Year 2008 on the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination. According to Jack, using the term pribumi, Anies may be considered to have violated Presidential Instruction Number 26 of 1998 which prohibits the use of indigenous and non-pribumi terms to refer to citizens. The Inpres prohibits the use of indigenous and non-pribumi words in the implementation of policies, program planning, and governance. "Since there is no Presidential Instruction no longer the term indigenous and non-pribumi," he said. Not only that, Anies is considered to have neglected Law Number 40 Year 2008 on the Elimination of Race and Ethnic Discrimination. It regrets the use of the word chosen by the former Minister of Education. "In relation to the language he spoke about the indigenous people who had lost, now the natives have to win, which is the indigenous, indigenous Arab, Chinese, or indigenous people who are genuine Indonesians, which we want to clarify," he said. This news is from line today


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