New Fraud Mode Imposing Loan E-Toll Cards in GTO, This Woman Got Tricked 2X

Recently the world of transportation is shocked by electronic money cards or so-called e-toll to pay tolls. The existence of rules to use the card and the issue of charging top-up fees became one of the heated debates. But apparently there are other problems arising from this new trend of toll payments. Reported by Grid.ID from Facebook account Runny Belle, this woman tells about new fraud mode under the guise of e-toll card loan in Automatic Tariff (GTO). He started his writing by expressing his angry feelings. Because he did not want anyone else to experience the same thing, he decided to tell the unfortunate incident on Facebook. "Shadow aja, eg 1 etool card contents at least 50 thousand.10 mbl yg di kerjain sm him a day he bs 500 rb dpt", write Runny in the first paragraph of his status. Apparently this incident began when he and her husband were going to Puncak with office friends on October 14, 2017. A day later they descend from Puncak to Jakarta and past Jorr Toll Gate. When at the toll booth, suddenly from the front car down someone who knocked on their car windshield. Without a doubt Runny's husband who is also good at karate opened the glass. Apparently the person intends to borrow an e-toll card because the balance is up. Because of his intention to help, eventually Runny's husband lent his card. Not long after, instead of returning the card, the car sped away. Cars are used offenders That is the first thing that makes Runny feel cheated. Fortunately, the cars behind Runny and the entourage are kind enough to pay their toll fees. Finally they tried to catch the car and arrived at the Cikampek Toll. There they met with apologists. The perpetrator provided a variety of reasons until finally reversing the e-toll cards they had stolen. But apparently, the card has been exchanged. Initial balance of e-toll Rp 150 thousand live Rp 2 thousand. This card exchange becomes the second mode to watch out for. The story that was uploaded on October 16, 2017 has become viral. Until this news has been raised, this upload has been favored by over 8,600 people and is shared by over 23,000 Facebook users. This news is from line today


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