AHY Visit Ahok at Mako Brimob to Swap Stories and Prayers

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) is known to have visited Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok in Mako Brikob prison, Kelapa Dua, this morning, Tuesday (17/10). The visit was uploaded through Instagram post with agusyudhoyono account, through a hand written sign written and signed by Ahok. In his uploads, Agus revealed that Ahok received his visit well. Both are called exchanging stories and prayers. "We tell each other about life, and pray for each other hopefully in the future can be a better man, and useful for the crowd," said Agus as quoted from Instagramnya account. In addition, Agus also wrote a hope in his upload. The contestant of Jakarta Election is invited to appreciate the work and services of the previous leader. "While providing opportunities and supporting new leaders to continue the things that have been good, and improve everything that has not been good," said Agus. Agus ends his upload with a call to unite to build the country. Meanwhile, Ahok expressed his gratitude for the visit. "Mas Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). Thank you for your visit and his support for me and my family. I pray Mas Agus fresh, full of joy and peace of success in life," wrote Ahok in a letter posted on Instagram account agusyudhoyono. Not only that, Ahok also entrust greetings to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Ani Yudhoyono who is Agus's parents "Warm greetings to Mr Yudhoyono and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono," wrote Ahok. Since May, Ahok has been in Rutan Mako Brimob for religious defamation. Ahok was sentenced to two years for his actions. This news is from line today


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