Old Customers SIM Card Also Required Re-Use Register ID and KK ID

Today, Wednesday (11/10), the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemkominfo) announced the enactment of SIM card validation rules with ID number and Family Card (KK). This rule is present to enhance the protection of telecommunication service users in Indonesia. Valid from October 31, the rule applies not only to new mobile subscribers but also to old mobile subscribers, both prepaid and postpaid. Therefore, the users of mobile phones should re-register later in order to avoid the block that is intended for the SIM card is not validated. If the SIM card is blocked, then the customer can not send SMS, phone, and can not access the Internet. Upon registration, the customer must enter the Identity Master Identification Number (NIK) located on KTP and KK in order to be validated by the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Ditjen Dukcapil). Minister of Communications and Information Technology (Menkominfo) Rudiantara states, this rule has been initiated by Kemkominfo since 2016 and therefore this rule is not something new. In the registration process, Kemkominfo coordinates with the Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Body (BRTI), the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil), and telecommunication service providers. The data that has been verified by the telecommunication operator, will then be validated to the DGP database. After that, the new SIM card number is activated. How to register a starter card can be done by sending an SMS to 4444 with the format NIK # K # and # declared successful if the data entered has been validated. But, if the data entered can not be validated even though the data is correct then the customer can fill the Statement Letter. Once validated, the telecommunication service provider activates the customer's number at least once 24 hours. Dukcapil Director General Kemendagri, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, said that it is encouraging more efficient NIK governance for customer or user data. "With this Dukcapil database, operators can validate 100 customer registration data per one second," he said. Currently mobile subscribers' data with registered NIK amounts to approximately 36 million, and 23 million of which are Telkomsel's customers as the largest mobile operator in Indonesia. Telecommunication operators are required to complete re-registration of prepaid subscribers whose data has not been validated by February 28, 2018. Kemkominfo requires operators to submit reports on progress of the prepaid subscribers re-registration process every three months to the BRTI during the re-registration period. This news is from line today


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