2 Luxury House Robbers in Pulomas Sentenced to Death, 1 Lifetime Prison

East Jakarta District Court Judge sentenced two of the three robbery perpetrators to be robbed in Pulomas, East Jakarta, some time ago. Both, Ridwan Sitorus aka Ius Pane and Erwin Situmorang. Meanwhile, Alvin Sinaga was sentenced to life imprisonment. "After considering the legal facts and witnesses, as well as expert witnesses, the defendant Ridwan Sitorus aka Yus Pane, and the two defendants Erwin Situmorang have been legally proven to commit premeditated murder by imposing the death penalty on each case, while Alfin Bernius Sinaga was sentenced to life imprisonment, "said Judge, Gede Ariawan when reading the verdict of Pulomas Session, in East Jakarta District Court, Tuesday (17/10). The judge judged there was nothing to lighten the defendants because they repeatedly committed criminal acts. The verdict was in accordance with the prosecutor's charges that the defendant under Article 340 of the Criminal Code related to premeditated murder. While Alfin Berniu Sinaga prosecuted article 338 of the Criminal Code with a life sentence. Meanwhile, the three defendants can only be bowed when undergoing the court verdict process. Previously, the robbery case was accompanied by the murder at the luxury residence, Dodi Triono, on Jalan Pulomas Utara No. 7A, Kayu Putih, Pulogadung, East Jakarta, some time ago this could make a commotion. How not, the perpetrators merciless hold eleven residents in a bathroom measuring 1.5 meters x 1.5 meters. As a result, six of them are dying because they are out of oxygen, while others are traumatized. The dead were Dodi Triono (59), DAA (16), DGD (9), Amel, Yanto, and Tasrok (40). While five critical people are Emi (41), ZKA (13), Santi (22), Fitriani (22), and Windy (23). Meanwhile, the perpetrators Ridwan Sitorus aka Ius Pane, Ramlan Butarbutar, Erwin Situmorang and Alfin Bernius Sinaga police arrested in different places. The mode, the perpetrator targeting luxury homes that less guarding. Once they can, they begin to divide the task. Some are watching outside, while others are combing the house and gathering the inhabitants inside. Only then did they dig up some valuables. For this case, the perpetrators locked 11 residents in a small bathroom. As a result, the victim died of oxygen ran out. This news is freshly picked from line today


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