2 Pulomas Murderers Sentenced to Death Penalty

East Jakarta District Court (PN Jaktim) held a verdict trial for defendants for murder-beating robbery in the Pulomas region. Two of the three defendants were sentenced to death. Chief Judge Gede Ariawan convey the defendants namely Sitorus alias Ridwan Ius Pane, Erwin Situmorang alias Ucok, and Alfin Bernius Sinaga found guilty of premeditated murder committed crimes together. "Dropping criminal to each. One, Ridwan Sitorus alias Ius Pane terminated by the death penalty. Two, Erwin Situmorang alias Ucok with the death penalty. Three, Alfin Bernius Sinaga to imprisonment for life," said Gede in East Jakarta District Court, Tuesday (17/10/2017). The ruling was based on the charges presented Public Prosecutor (Prosecutor) on the agenda of the session 19 September 2017. Prosecutors call three have qualified for charged under Article 340 of the Criminal Code of Murder Planning. "Paying each of these cases amounting to Rp 5 thousand, so the decision Tuesday on October 17, 2017," said Gede. On September 30, 2017, the three defendants had read the defense before the panel of judges. They denied having committed a premeditated murder. The three confirmed that they had never conducted a survey to the victim's house on Jalan Pulomas Utara, East Jakarta on December 25, 2016 or the day before launching the action. In addition, they deny the division of duties and plans in Wisma Griya Sabha DPR RI, Puncak highway, Bogor. All three even admitted to being treated discriminately by the police. Such as guns fired in order to sign in the Minutes of Examination (BAP) written activity planning and surveys Pulomas robbery location. Robbery and murder that occurred in the house Dodi Triono on Jalan Pulomas Utara number 7 A, East Jakarta. The sadistic murder could be revealed in less than 2 days. The incident killed six people. They died after 18 hours (from Monday 26 December 2017 with five other survivors, held in a 1.5-meter (1.5-meter) bathroom. Four actors, Ramlan Butarbutar, Erwin Situmorang, Alfin Sinaga, and Ius Pane were arrested. One of them, Ramlan, was shot dead. This news is from line today


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