Police will Call the Rampage Doctor at Yadika Hospital

Metro Sector Police Investigator Duren Sawit has not yet called and examined a specialist at Yadika Pondok Bambu Hospital, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, for raging and pointing a toy gun to the private hospital staff. According to Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit of Duren Sawit Police, Adjunct Commissioner of Police Nevo Suharjendro, doctors initials ALT is planned to be called and investigated investigators this week. Only Nevo did not mention the time. "This week we call," said Nevo, Wednesday, October 18, 2017. Nevo said ALT doctors will be summoned for clarification in connection with a report from an employee of Yadika Hospital with the initials of the US who was the victim of his censure. The report is contained in Police report Number: 069 / K / X / 2017 / Sek. Dsw. For his actions, ALT suspected Article 335 of the Criminal Code of unpleasant deeds. "This is what we want to call first, we will clarify the details of the doctor, the specialist is a bit long, but, I do not know why he did that, after we check," he said. Reported before, ALT doctors reportedly went berserk and mugged the registration officer of the patient with a toy gun. Presumably the threat was triggered by the decreasing number of patients who came to him for medical treatment. "The ALT feels the patient is diminishing, and he accuses or suspects that his patient is being transferred to another doctor, that it is economically influential to the doctor's income so he angrily threatens to register," Nevo said. This news is from line today


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