Kiki Hasibuan Legal Counsel Reveals First Budget Travel Fund Facts, Apparently His Brain Andika Surachman

Although the position of Director of Finance held by Siti Nuraida Hasibuan alias Kiki, but it turns out that funds owned by First Travel is governed by Andika Surachman. This was revealed by Kiki's lawyer, Abdul Haji Talaohuf. Abdul revealed that his client did not know about the amount of debt owned by First Travel because all financial matters are governed by Andika. "I also do not know because it is in Mr. Andika, if in bu Kiki just this is about the authority of him as the director of finance.That's more authority is taken pak Andika," said Abdul told reporters at Police Bareskrim Gambir, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (10/18/2017). In fact, according to Abdul the entire flow of funds made by First Travel is known by Andika. Andika is the President Director. "Yes sir Andika more know the plot started from the transfer and the money was to dispatch the congregation," added Abdul. While the role of Kiki, according to Abdul only be the coordinator of pilgrims in Umrah travel that is implemented by First Travel. "So there are some people who register directly to First Travel, he as direct coordinator and he direct appointment by Mr. Andika," explained Abdul. As it is known investigators estimate the total number of participants who sign up for Umrah promo packages offered First Travel from December 2016 to May 2017 as many as 72,682 people. Within that time, the number of participants who have departed 14 thousand people. The number has not departed as many as 58,682 thousand people. While the estimated total losses suffered by pilgrims in this case amounted to Rp 848.7 billion consisting of the deposit of Umrah promo package with a total of Rp 839 billion and the cost of charter aircraft with a total of Rp 9.5 billion. This news is from line today


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