New Facts, Lukman Realize when Killing Wife and Two Children

A new fact was revealed in the case of a murder investigation of a wife and two children by a factory worker named Lukman in Tangerang City, Banten. Apparently, while killing his wife's life Ana Robinah (35 years) and two children namely Siva (9 years) and Karisa (3 years), Lukman in conscious condition and not experiencing psychiatric disorders. This fact was revealed after the investigator and the psychiatric team conducted a psychiatric examination of Lukman. "From the results of the tests we received from the psychiatrist team found that, the perpetrator did not have any mental disorder that means he is healthy," said Head of Resort Police Tangerang, AKBP Sabilul Alif, Saturday, October 14, 2017. In addition to examining the psychiatric suspects, the police have also examined a number of witnesses to know Lukman's habit in society. "We check the crime scene to ask the residents how the family is socializing in the community," said Sabilul. The sadistic murder took place on Friday night, October 13, 2017, Lukman killed his wife and two children in their house in Siena Perum 1 Blok M 10/21 Kampung Cipari RT 03/06 Ciakar, District Panongan, Tangerang. Lukman initially kills Ana at 6:30 pm, then kills Siva and last kills Karisa. After killing his family's life in a blind way, Lukman went to Panongan Police Headquarters to surrender. Based on a temporary investigation, the murder is based on family economic problems. The suspect claimed to be annoyed that Ana took his money to repay the debt. This news is from line today


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