Clove Cigarette Businessman complains that Vape is also subject to Excise

The Association of Indonesian Cigarette Manufacturers (GAPPRI) asked the government to make rules related to the circulation of electric cigarettes (vape). Because GAPPRI assess the cigarette is the same as illegal goods. Chairman of GAPPRI Ismanu Soemiran revealed that every year kretek cigarettes are subject to tax excise taxes and various marketing requirements. However vape did not get strict regulation. "I am very supportive if it is done (taxable taxes), because vape is also an addictive part," said Ismanu in Jakarta, Tuesday (24/10/2017). Since the presence of electric cigarettes, traditional cigarette entrepreneurs experience shocks. But Ismanu can not explain the impact of the emergence of vape in today's society. "Whatever it must have effect is certainly quite the effect, because vape way is very easy not need to use matches, filled with what tastes," said Ismanu. Ismanu added that the government should immediately make regulations on vape. According to Ismanu electronic cigarette trend will continue to grow. "I see this trend, so there must be regulation, we ask for the purpose to push there (tax excise)," said Ismanu. This news is from line today


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