Freeport Ambulance Into Shot, A Wrapping Maternity Mother

The armed criminal group (KKB) shot an ambulance unit belonging to PT Freeport Indonesia in Tembagapura district of Mimika on Tuesday (24/10) at 14.20 WIT. As a result of the shooting to the car Ambulance Crew Hospital ISOS Hospital PT Freeport Indonesia, a woman who just gave birth was injured in the right thigh. "The ambulance car that was carrying a newborn woman was fired by gunshot," said Papua Police Public Relations Chief Commissioner Ahmad Musthofa Kamal in a written statement on Tuesday (24/10). The attack took place around Kampung Utikini Lama, Tembagapura District, Mimika. The new woman became the mother named Serina Kobogau. Kamal explained, when attacked by an ambulance driven by Lexi Titalessy it drove from the direction of Tembagapura City to Banti hospital. A bullet hole into an ambulance belonging to a Freeport hospital. (Public Relation Papuan Police) At the scene of the attack, the ambulance was fired from the direction of the old church by a group of people. The number of attackers is estimated to be around 50 people. In addition to wounding Serina, the shot was about the bulletproof helmet worn by Lexi. In addition, an accompanying doctor named Rendi and other passengers in the ambulance, Anditiya Ocha Ferdiana (medical officer) and Tomy Dibitau (husband of Serina Kobogau) also suffered minor injuries from broken glass after being hit. Overall there was no casualty in the attack because Lexi's success spurred his car to escape from a barrage of bullets, and immediately headed for RS Banti. Currently the victims and all passengers are currently still in Banti Hospital belonging to Amungme and Kamoro Community Empowerment (LPMAK). An ambulance tire was deflected by the bullet of an armed group. (Public Relation Papuan Police) The shooting incident was recently reported to Tembagapura Police by Anditiya Ocha Ferdiana, a medical officer who was also an ambulance passenger after arriving at Banti Hospital. The sound of gunfire as the shootings occurred was reported to be heard at the Tembagapura Police Station. Kamal said it has coordinated with Brimob and TNI to conduct pursuit of perpetrators. "Police measures are dimabil, receive reports, coordinate with Brimob and TNI to pursuit perpetrators," he said. This news is from line today


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