Syahrini Once Posts on Instagram Rp 100 Million, How much is the Tax?

Syahrini artist's acknowledgment of his earnings from endorse product or brand through postings on his instagram account is quite surprising. Once posted a photo on his Instagram, Syahrini get money reached Rp 100 million. "Because if I have to post on IG, as an icon and as far as I know from management, once IG post it if Syahrini upload a product, once a post Rp 100 million," said Syahrini after visited Police Bareskrim First Travel case yesterday. Syahrini's income as a program can not be separated from his obligation to pay taxes. Therefore, all income earned by every citizen of Indonesia, must be included in the report of the Annual Tax Return (SPT) of Taxes. Then how the tax rate count for a selebgram? kumparan ( once reviewed about the rules of tax rate in May last. The program becomes taxpayer if the total endorse income in a year exceeds the limit of Non-Taxable Income (PTKP), which is Rp 54 million or about Rp 4.5 million in a month. Executive Director of the Center for Indonesia Taxation Analysis (CITA) and member of the Tax Reform Team Yustinus Prastowo said the tax collection for programming is not different from other taxpayers, Income Tax (PPh) Article 21. The problem now is the mechanism or way of taxing the program. There are two ways to collect taxes from the program. First, if the income is obtained directly from the company, the tax is deducted directly by the company that provides the services. Secondly, if income is earned from other sources, then the program must report on the income earned in the Notice Letter (SPT). Regarding the tax rate for the program, it is the same as other taxpayers subject to Income Tax Article 21, which is 5-30%, depending on the income. Prastowo pointed out, the taxpayer with annual income up to Rp 50 million per year is subject to 5% PPh rate of 5%; income above Rp 50 million to Rp 250 million per year, subject to 15% rate. Meanwhile, if the income above Rp 250 million to Rp 500 million will be charged 25%; income above Rp 500 million will be charged 30%. As for taxpayers who do not have NPWP charged 20% higher than those who have NPWP. As an illustration, if the net income of a monthly program Rp 8 million or Rp 96 million a year and reduced PTKP, then his taxable income in a year of Rp 42 million. While the income tax payable (5% x Rp 42 million) of Rp 2.1 million a year, so the program is obliged to pay PPh Rp 175 thousand in a month This news is from line today


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