Father Kills his Wife and 2 Children, Police: Debt Destroyed Wife

Tangerang City Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Sabilul Alif said the murder committed by a father, Lukman Nurul Hidayah, 37 years old, against his wife and two of them, had economic motives. "The money his wife spent on spending, even though the money to pay the debt," said Sabilul at the scene, Housing Siena, Cipari, Panongan, Tangerang, Saturday, October 14, 2017. Because the case was enough to draw public attention, Lukman's detention was transferred from the Police Sector Panongan office to the Tangerang Police. Until now, said Sabilul, Lukman is still being examined intensively. According to Sabilul, psychiatric examination is needed to know the health of Lukman's soul who is willing to take sadistic action to kill his wife, Ana Robinah (36) and two children, aged 9 and 3 "Is his soul healthy or not," said Sabilul. The head of the Tangerang City Police Detective and Criminal Unit Commissioner Wiwin Setiawan confirmed Lukman was the sole murderer of this sadistic act. "The offender has acknowledged his actions and this is due to economic motives," Wiwin said. Lukman's sadistic act took place on Friday evening, October 13, 2017. After a tussle with his wife, the electronics factory employee was pounding his wife with a sharp weapon. Two of his children also became victims. The three men died instantly with a stab wound in the body. Head of the Tangerang City Police Detective and Criminal Unit Commissioner Wiwin Setiawan confirmed Lukman was the sole perpetrator of this sadistic murder. "The offender has acknowledged his actions," said Wiwin. This news is from line today


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